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Keloid Scarring

Keloid Scarring

A keloid scar occurs due to an overgrowth of dense fibrous tissue after an injury and the healing process goes beyond the healing borders of the wound. This tends to be rather common on darker skin tones in patients.

Why Do Keloid Scars Form?

As well as the overgrowth of dense fibrous tissue, there can be other causes for keloid scars. These can include the following:

– Infected wounds or wounds that take longer to heal in the process can develop into keloid scars

– Chickenpox, acne, scratches, surgical incisions, traumatic wounds, burns and vaccinations are all forms of ways that keloid scars can develop

– It can be a genetical issue that’s passed down from relatives

How Does The Keloid Scar Treatment Work?

How the keloid scar is treated is dependant on the size of the keloid scar and how much requires to be treated. For smaller scars, around 4-6 sessions are required to use injections to treat the scars. For larger scars, steroid injections require to be injected directly into the keloid scars.

The aim of the raised treatment is to ensure that the scars are flattened and the surrounding area of the skin appears similar to make it appear less noticeable.


What Do Keloid Scars Look Like?

There are noticeable signs of keloid scars that would suggest that they’re forming on the skin. They’re normally:

– Hairless

– Shiny

– Raise above the skin threshold

– Hard

– Rubbery

– Red/purple in colour before turning brown or pale

– Form a long while after the initial injury

Can Keloid Scarring Be Prevented?

 Keloid scars can’t be completely avoided but you can help to avoid situations where they could form such as getting tattoos or piercings. The cuts and breaks in the skin cause the formation of keloid scars. Areas that are prone to keloid scars include in the upper chest, back and upper arms.

What Complications Can Arise From Keloid Treatment?

As the treatment is non-invasive, you should expect it to be relatively painless. However, some treatments can cause the following: 

– Pain

– Tenderness

– Itchiness

– Burning Sensation

– Complications with movement if treated near joints

– Reoccurrence of the keloid scar can occur


If you have any questions regarding the Keloid Scarring treatment, get in touch via our contact form or give us a call on 01625585990.